The Importance of Regularly Changing Your HVAC Filters: An Expert's Perspective

Learn from an HVAC industry expert about the impact of regularly changing air filters on the performance of heating and cooling systems.

The Importance of Regularly Changing Your HVAC Filters: An Expert's Perspective

As an HVAC industry expert, I have witnessed firsthand the significant impact that regularly changing air filters can have on the performance of heating and cooling systems. It may seem like a simple task, but it can make a huge difference in the quality of your indoor air and the efficiency of your system. Most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months. However, this timeline can vary depending on factors such as the location of your home, the presence of pets, and the age of your system. For instance, homes in dry and dusty climates may require more frequent filter changes, while those with pets or allergy sufferers may need to replace them every month. The lifespan of an air filter also depends on its thickness.

Generally, thicker filters last longer, but the thickness you need will depend on the type of heating and cooling system you have. Furnace filters are typically changed every 90 days, but if you have pets or allergies, it's best to replace them more often. It's important to note that the type of filter you use also plays a role in how often it should be changed. If you're unsure about what type of furnace filter you have, a professional HVAC technician can help determine the appropriate replacement schedule. For allergy sufferers, it's crucial to use the correct type of filter and keep track of when it needs to be changed.

Otherwise, dust and other contaminants can enter your system and reduce its effectiveness. While these are general guidelines for changing air filters, it's always a good idea to check them once a month. This is especially important if you have thicker or smaller filters that may need to be replaced more frequently. By staying on top of filter changes, you can ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly and that the air in your home remains clean and healthy. Often, homeowners don't realize that their air filters are to blame for poor indoor air quality and instead attribute it to allergies. Environmental conditions both inside and outside of your home can also affect how often you need to change your air filter.

Your HVAC filter is designed to trap air pollutants and prevent them from recirculating throughout your home. However, it's important to make a habit of regularly checking and changing your filter to maintain its effectiveness. So, how often should you change your air filter? The short answer is that it depends on the type of filter you have. For less expensive fiberglass filters, it's recommended to change them every 30 days. You can set a reminder on your smartphone to keep track of when you last changed your filter so you don't forget to check it again.

By changing your filter regularly, you can prevent it from expelling more dirt into your home and maintain its efficiency. Not only do dirty filters affect the performance of your HVAC system, but they can also decrease the quality of your indoor air. This is why it's important to stay on top of filter changes and replace them within a reasonable timeframe. As long as your heating and cooling system is functioning properly, you may not think much about your air filters. However, by regularly changing them, you can improve the overall performance of your system and ensure that the air in your home remains clean and healthy.

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